Study Skills (SpLD)

Study skills support (DSA) 
for students with learning difficulties (SpLD)

Jonathan Livingstone Education 1-1 
is a registered Non Medical Help (NMH) provider

Support for students with specific learning difficulties, including:
• Dyslexia
• Dyscalculia
• Dysgraphia
• Dyspraxia or Develop-mental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
• Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Feedback from student, parent, carer or education provider

Your comments and feedback are very welcome at all times: please use this form

Unhappy about something? 

In case of complaint, follow this link: complaints procedure.

Study skills help is provided to support students with any of the following. 

☼  Marked inefficiency in the working or short-term memory system which may result in, for example, problems with reading comprehension and written composition.

☼  Phonological processing difficulties (difficulty linking sound and symbol), which affects the acquisition of fluent reading and spelling skills.

☼  Difficulties with motor skills or coordination which might affect tasks which involve simultaneous use of several skills.

☼  Problems with visual processing (or 'visual stress'), which can affect reading (for example, causing the print to appear distorted or the reader to lose his or her place frequently) and handwriting (for example, losing track of place when copying).

☼ Reading problems, which may include slow reading speed, difficulty extracting sense from written material without substantial re-reading, inaccurate reading, omission of words.
 ☼  Writing problems, which may include poor handwriting and slow writing speed, omission of words, spelling problems, difficulties categorising information and sequencing ideas.

☼  Difficulties with mathematical skills and concepts, such as with abstract concepts of time and direction, following sequential instructions, sequencing events, ability to acquire arithmetical/mathematical skills.

☼  Lack of structure in oral presentations, seminars and discussion, and difficulties with word retrieval.

☼  Short attention span and a high level of distractibility. 

☼  Poor organization, making time management very difficult.

The nature of help given is adapted specifically to meet the individual needs of the student. 

Call now 07951 260446

Information adapted from SFE DSA Guidance for Students
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